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The OS Daily Ten - Jason Collins Attempts to Pave the Way Stuck
Posted on April 30, 2013 at 03:09 AM.

Top Sports News for Tuesday, April 30, 2013

1. NBA Veteran Jason Collins attempts to pave the way for other gay male professional athletes.
Jason Collins revealed to Sports Illustrated that he is gay. By doing so Collins has become somebody who many will consider paving the way for future gay males who participate in professional sports.

2. The NBA's relocation committee votes unanimously to recommend that owners reject the application for the Sacramento Kings to relocate to Seattle.
At one point it looked like the Sacramento Kings were a lock to relocate to Seattle and take over the "SuperSonics" name and colors. Now it appears the odds are once again stacked against Seattle from having a NBA team, at least for now.

3. San Diego Chargers reportedly asked LaDainian Tomlinson to come back for the 2013 season.
The Chargers reportedly tried to reach way back into their bag of tricks and bring LT back into the fold during a conversation this past February. Tomlinson, a class act, rejected the organizations overtures.

4. Dodgers get Hanley Ramirez back, but lose Clayton Kershaw for a few days.
5. Stephen Strasburg reportedly dealing with forearm tightness.
6. UFC 159 medical suspensions - Jones out indefinitely.
7. Anderson Silva called Dana White after UFC 159 asking to fight Jon Jones.
8. NHL announces Round 1 schedule.
9. Colorado Avalanche win 2013 NHL Draft Lottery.
10. Stanford QB Nunes retires after 'freak accident'.

QOTD: The NHL Playoffs start tonight. How did the shortened season compare with your expectations? Did it change your mind about reducing the amount of regular season games in the NHL and other leagues on a permanent basis?
# 31 Gramps91 @ Apr 30
@blood I pretty much agree with you on all accounts there and am glad you were able to become better in your walk.
# 32 BloodBCrimson @ Apr 30
Thank you. I hope you don't get as discouraged any more. Thank you as well for not being ashamed to admit that you are a follower of Christ. We get no praise for "coming out".
# 33 prowler @ Apr 30
This has gotten so far off topic it's bordering hilarious. The Treaty of Tripoli states that the United States are in no way founded on Christian principals. And given that Jason Collins is an American and these events are transpiring on American soil, that makes the treaty a valid argument. On the other hand it doesn't matter how devout or strong you are in your faith, any argument focused on morality and sin against religion is moot as this is NOT a country founded on Christianity.
# 34 BloodBCrimson @ Apr 30
I've heard about that Treaty and as I do not know much about it I cannot comment on it but I do known that almost all of the men who helped come up with our constitution professed faith in Jesus Christ. We follow the Constitution not this treaty and their for we are indeed a Christian nation. Another way to prove that is the fact that this country was created for the purpose of religious liberty. The roman Catholics were hiding the Bible from people and the people who wanted to see it for themselves came to North America to get the chance to see it for themselves. They won freedom and established our constitution on Biblical principles. The treaty of tripoli came after the constitution there for how can it speak on whether or not our nation was founded on biblical principles or not?
# 35 BloodBCrimson @ Apr 30
Let me rephrase that. The treaty is right in the fact that it says America is not a Christian nation. We have the freedom of religion. However, the freedom of religion is a biblical principle. The Bible says that we have a choice in what to believe in but it also says that there is only one true way and that is through Christ Jesus which is what Christianity is. We are not technically a Christian nation but we are founded on biblical principles. Most of our forefathers were Christians though. Even though they believed that people should have a choice they personally believed in the one true way and that's Christ. So you are right the United States is not a Christian nation but that doesn't have anything to do with whether or not being gay is wrong .
# 36 sraczk2011 @ May 1

Before you read the following, read the linked article above.

BloodBCrimson, you might be too far gone to salvage, and you've said some shocking things in these comments, but you asked why Christians get no praise for coming out? Maybe it's because you are part of the largest religion IN THE WORLD.

Since we "follow the Constitution", you may want to read up on the first amendment, which specifically states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ...".

This is just a short little post, but hopefully it can help you become more loving, tolerant, and Christ-like. Again, I implore you to read the article I linked to above....
# 37 BloodBCrimson @ May 1
You are correct as I just said we have the freedom of religion. Again you miss what I am saying. God wants us to have choice. He made us to have choice. He didn't want us to be robots that were programmed to serve him. He loves us so much that he allows us to choose right or wrong. Even though we have this choice there is still on one right choice. I hope everyone makes the right choice. Gay people have made the wrong choice and if we praise them for that they will never make the right choice.
# 38 BlackRome @ May 1
Someone needs to ask Jason. Since people are born gay and it's not a choice. How did he choose to be in a straight relationship. This is my only problem with gay people. If your gay. Be gay.

I know two families personally that this has destroyed.

One is friend. His Dad came out. Mother went into depression. From being lied to for decades. His brother who already had issues killed himself shortly afterward. He worth in his suicide letter that he couldn't deal with seeing his mother so unhappy. His father had been living a lie. He wrote at the end of the letter. Life has been a lie.

The other is my wife's cousin. His wife came home one day after a decade of marriage and announced she was gay. They have two kids. The kids hate her guts.

If you want to be gay be gay. Jason was engaged. How does his ex feel about this. I bet she feels betrayed, devastated and sick to her stomach that this man lied to her and played with her feelings.

While everyone is celebrating Jason for coming out I wonder if Obama will call her to see how she is doing.

Jason lived his life as a lie. If he was born gay and it's not a choice why did he make a choice to mess with a woman. To the point he was engaged. That's a sick thing to do to a person.

It can have devastating effects on the people your lying to. At least he didn't have kids with his ex.

Be gay. Do you. But don't mess with the other sex if your not really into them. That's a sick thing to do to a person.
# 39 Jimbo614 @ May 1
Wow Wow Wow! I really thought the members at OS were more evolved than this.
Apparently, what Howard Stern once said is still true.. That Homosexuals are the last group of people its still ok to be bigoted against..
I didnt realize there was so many Bigots here. Shame on you all.
# 41 scottyo60 @ May 1
Jimbo by the very definition by calling OS not evolved and not being open minded to their beliefs aren't you in a way being a bigot as well? You're not being very tolerant to others beliefs and name calling shows even less evolution as a society...

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